Child Support & Family...
Below are our articles on the subject of Child Support & Family. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can a Parent Give Up His or Her Parental Rights?
How does the law recognise parents in the case of surrogacy, adoption and fostering? Find out more here....
Child Custody Rights
Child custody (now referred to as residency) determines who should be responsible for the care and charge of a child, after divorce or separation. There are however…...
Child Support vs Contact With the Child
Maintaining regular contact with a child enforces the child's rights to have regular contact with both parents. Separating parents will however, have to consider how…...
Dealing With Maintenance Arrears
Falling into arrears or failing to pay maintenance can have serious consequences. Addressing problems as soon as possible will not only benefit you, but also your child....
Dealing With Payment Irregularities
Irregularities, in the payment of maintenance, often occurs when information provided becomes out-of-date or invalid. Ensuring the Child Support Agency remains…...
Does the CSA Have To Get Involved?
Many parents do not involve the CSA in their child maintenance arrangements. Could a private agreement be right for you? Find out here....
Domestic Violence and Contact
A guide to help you understand how domestic violence is perceived by the courts in relation to contact. Exploring what kind of contact can be expected and what kind of…...
How Much Will I Have To Pay?
Here's how the Child Support Agency calculate how much maintenance a non-resident parent is expected to pay for one or more children....
How to Make a Claim for Child Support
The Child Support Agency (CSA) can be contacted in a number of ways. The agency's aim is to assist parents with care with claim application, and to process, collect…...
Maintenance: Separation and Divorce
It is a parent’s responsibility and obligation to provide financial support for their children, even after separation or divorce. By sharing care and parental…...
Moving Abroad, The Issues
Moving abroad with a child can create problems with the non-resident parent. We discuss the main issues here....
Shared Care of a Child
In many domestic arrangements more than one person is responsible for the care of a child. Find out how this impacts on child maintenance arrangements here....
Understanding Children's Rights
Although Children’s Rights are protected by a number of established laws there are still many ways in which a parent can address certain issues. Ensuring their child's…...
What Happens When the CSA/CMS Gets it Wrong?
Like many organisations dealing with payments, the Child Support Agency sometimes gets it wrong. Understanding how the complaints process works will help parents find…...